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Natural Insomnia Cures & Solutions

Natural Insomnia Cures & Solutions

Most people have found themselves not sleeping well at some point in their lives. This is normal if it happens once in a while and is no cause for concern. When lost sleep becomes a regular occurrence and starts to interfere with your life, you might be suffering from a mild form of insomnia.

If this sounds like you, it is important to know that there are a lot of different types of sleeping aids available. Many people prefer to look for a natural solution before resorting to using sleeping pills.  Natural sleep aids are found in the form of herbs, certain foods and also relaxation techniques that can promote a better night’s sleep.


Valerian –  
this herb has been used for centuries and it works similar o the way that sleeping pills do (without the nasty side effects). Valerian helps to increase your levels of GABA, which is a calming neurotransmitter in your brain. The valerian helps to make you feel more relaxed and sleepier. Valerian can be taken in many forms including capsules, extracts or as an herbal tea. If you take valerian consistently for two weeks you will feel the full benefits. 

Natural Light – your body reacts differently depending upon the amount of light it is exposed to. If you tend to stay indoors in low light conditions your body can actually become confused. It may not recognize when it is time to sleep. This results in your sleep patterns becoming very irregular.  You should try to get outside at some point during the day, a walk after lunch or dinner  would be great way to do this

Aromatherapy – certain scents like lavender and chamomile work extremely well in calming your body and your mind. A good way to use these scents is in a warm bath or in a small sachet that fits inside your pillow.  Chamomile can be purchased as an herbal tea and should be drunk just before going to bed.

Relaxation Techniques – stress has a lot to do with the problem of insomnia. Taking the time to learn and perform relaxation techniques can ensure you have a better quality of sleep. Easy relaxation techniques include deep breathing, yoga and muscle relaxation. These methods can be combined successfully with the aromatherapy uses above.

Your Diet – what you eat has a huge impact on your sleeping patterns. Too much caffeine or sugary foods can disrupt sleep for many people. For optimal health be sure to include in your diet foods like milk, fresh vegetables including dark green veggies, chicken, turkey and nuts too.

Music –many studies have been done that show that soft music can help your body relax. You can easily play some soft music while getting ready for bed. Try listening to music while sipping your Chamomile tea or relaxing in your lavender bath.


Exercise – making exercise part of your lifestyle is very important as it can encourage healthy sleeping habits.  Physical activity helps to boost your endorphins which make you feel good! In addition, exercise will help reduce muscle tension and stress.

There are a lot of natural insomnia cures that really work; it is a great option to try these solutions before heading to your doctor for a prescription for sleeping pills. When it comes to getting a good night’s sleep, you might be amazed to find that a few small changes can make a world of difference.

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